Saturday, May 19, 2012

Gay activist writes open letter to Bristol Palin.

Courtesy of the Huffington Post:  

Hey, Bristol, 

I'm so sorry that you felt bullied by some of the abusive comments that were left on your original post. They are indeed awful and inexcusable. 

That said, welcome to the world that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people live in every day. In fact, according to an exhaustive analysis of FBI hate crimes data by the Southern Poverty Law Center, LGBT people are at a greater risk of being targeted for a violent hate crime than literally any other minority group -- more than two times more likely than Jews to be attacked, 2.6 times more likely than African Americans, nearly 4.5 times more likely than Muslims, almost 14 times more likely than Latinos, and 41.5 times more likely than whites. In large swaths of our country, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender youth are regularly teased and beaten up for who they are (or who their peers think they are), all the while living in a culture that shames them into silence. Many of them have homophobic parents or guardians, so they can't even turn to the people who are supposed to love them unconditionally. LGBT youth are four to five times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight counterparts, because of the malicious bullying and crushing hatred that they're surrounded by every day. I should know: I attempted suicide myself at age 16. Do you know why that world of bullying, death threats, verbal and physical violence, and murder on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity exists? 

Do you know why my community, the LGBT community, faces such a grave threat of hate-motivated violence? Guess what: It's because of religion-based bigotry. I work for an organization that fights the "ex-gay" myth (propagated, incidentally, by your own church, among many others), which is the lie that it's possible to change from gay to straight, to "pray away the gay," through a mixture of prayer and so-called "reparative therapy." Anti-gay pastors and religious profiteers across the country peddle this lie to scared, self-loathing teenagers and homophobic parents who've internalized the vicious anti-gay rhetoric they hear from the pulpit every Sunday. The claim that gay people can become straight is denounced by literally every single reputable medical and mental health organization in the country, because it has no basis in research, doesn't work, and can actually be dangerous to its victims, but that doesn't stop the evil charlatans who cash the checks and make bank while holding out false hope for change, oblivious to (or utterly careless about?) the lives that they ruin in the process. And before you even dare to doubt that lives are ruined, I'd like to challenge you to walk in my shoes. We hear from people who bear permanent emotional and mental scars as a result of the "ex-gay" myth literally every day. Many who attempt suicide as a result of their guilt about their inevitable failure to "pray away the gay" bear physical scars, as well. We also hear from many parents, siblings, and relatives of those who are no longer alive to tell their own stories, people who killed themselves trying to live a lie in order to accommodate the religion-based bigotry of people just like you. 

 So while I am truly sorry to read about the abuse that's been directed your way since your anti-Obama blog post, I strongly object to your attempt to cast yourself as any kind of a victim. To the contrary, you, your mother, and the putridly anti-gay Republican Party are the ones who are victimizing LGBT people. And spare me the line about how your anti-gay views are unassailable because they're your firmly held religious beliefs. It's utterly hollow. Hate wrapped in the name of God is still hate. 

 In closing, I must submit an important correction. You wrote about the "younger generation" in the context of abortion, then continued in the same sentence about how "voters just keep defending [so-called] traditional marriage." If you meant to imply here that the "younger generation" -- our generation -- supports the continued exclusion of loving same-sex couples from full civil marriage equality, you are wrong. No, incredibly wrong. In fact, you couldn't be more wrong: Repeated polling consistently proves that our generation overwhelmingly believes that every American deserves the freedom to marry the person they love, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. You're free to hold any views you like, no matter how bigoted they are, but you are not free to misrepresent the truth. And the truth is that when it comes to marriage equality, the jury is in -- and you've lost. The anti-gay mistakes of our parents' generation (anti-LGBT marriage discrimination amendments, laws that marginalize and persecute the LGBT community in the areas of employment, housing, etc.) will be fixed by our generation, if they aren't rectified even sooner than that. Despite your own personal homophobia, ours is not a homophobic generation; your anti-gay views are already a minority view among your peers. The day will come, very soon, when the loving marriage (of six years and counting!) that my husband and I enjoy will be recognized from coast to coast, and our nation will be the better for it. My hope for you is that someday you'll be able to stop your homophobic bullying, let go of your own bigotry, and come to embrace your lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender friends, family members, and fellow citizens as equal Americans and full human beings. 

 John M. Becker

Apparently Mr. Becker also posted theis letter to Brancy's blog and Bristol's fake Facebook page as well.

I think we can rest assured that Bristol never saw it in either of those places, and if she did it is highly doubtful that she has the mental capacity or human compassion to understand the point he is trying to make.

But that's okay, because MOST of the young people of today totally DO understand the difference of being bullied and hated for your biology and being called out on the hateful homophobic rantings posted by a ghostwriter on a blog controlled by a reality show wannabe's crazy ass mother.

And in the end none of what is printed on that ridiculous blog makes one bit of difference, because progress is marching forward whether Nancy French, Sarah Palin, or even Bristol (If she is even aware of what is written on "her" blog) like it or not. And someday this hateful chicken scratch will be judged the same way that anti-feminist rantings in the seventies, or racist graffiti in the sixties,  or anti-Semitic hate speech of the forties and fifties is judged today.

If it is even remembered at all, and THAT is actually somewhat doubtful.


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM


    Hannity Special: McCain Camp Didn’t Vet Obama; Palin Thought That Was a Mistake:

    Did they not watch the movie game change?????

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      They watched it; they are still in disbelief that pretty Sarah is such an idiot and on their payroll, but Murdoch and Ailes still think she's 'hot' and so does Seannie. And they have such blinding hate for President Obama that they will even put Sarah back out there as attack dog for them. Sick sick sic.

  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Eff Bristol. She deserves any criticism she gets and more.
    She is the one who is a bully. She is obsessed with attacking our President. And has even taken to going after his minor children, Sasha and Malia. You won't see Sasha and Malia knocked-up in high school, barely squeaking by with a GED.

    Imagine this lowlife Wasilla tramp, with her GED, going after a Harvard cumma cum laude graduate, our President Obama.

  3. Anonymous10:35 AM

    We will all rejoice when the laws change to allow every American equal rights.

    However, we all need to stay vigilant against the bigots who would harm or denigrate those different from themselves. Fundamentalists cling to their dogma because they cannot think for themselves, cannot face the world without authoritarian dictates, and cannot love unconditionally - probably because they have never been loved unconditionally.

    Has Bristol truly felt loved as a child, she would have no need to hate others. You cannot love others until you love yourself.

    Great post, Gryphen.

  4. Anonymous10:36 AM

    PS. You won't see Sasha and Malia knocked-up in high school, lets alone knocked-up twice or more and is rumored of Bristol.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Nope, and both Obama girls will get a college degree or two, and do something useful to society, instead of mooching off the taxpayers and getting free health care because somewhere there was a native Alaskan in their gene pool.

  5. Anonymous10:42 AM

    >>>If it is even remembered at all, and THAT is actually somewhat doubtful.<<<

    Teh internetz are forever, and this little dullard will probably come to regret what she has allowed to be posted under her name.

  6. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I'm glad you post these for your readers. bridull-in-the-brain won't understand the letter. way beyond her reading level.

    I find it funny that although the paylins will always be morons, their paint-chip, mouth-breathing followers will always mention "at least they're rich". Sad state to be in, rich and stupid.


    1. WakeUpAmerica4:19 PM

      And you can't fix stupid no matter how much duct tape you use.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      That fast-dwindling fortune of theirs obviously doesn't ease the sting of knowing that they have become an international symbol for brain-dead white trash. If it did they might stop publicly attacking their betters all the time.

  7. Anonymous11:01 AM

    You hear a lot about the stupidity of "pray away the gay" but not enough about the equally, if not more so, stupidity of gays trying to "recruit" young people into the gay lifestyle. Many of my friends are simply appalled that I let my 10 year old son go for sleep overs, with his friend, at his friend's gay father's house. They are convinced that "the gay" will either rub off on my son like some contagious disease or he will overtly try and "convert" him, because that it the sworn mission of all gays.

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Are your friends Catholic? If so I think they'd be more concerned in letting a priest near their children than a gay man in a stable relationship.

  8. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Is that a picture of Bristol yen she was in such great shape that her intense DWTS workouts didn't do anything for her?

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Actually, I think this picture was taken during the filming her "hit" show with the Massey brothers. I think she had recently given birth to her "Godson". If I looked like that at 20 yrs old, and wasn't postpartum, I would be embarrassed.

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      I'm a guy and if I was back in my early 20's and saw Bristol like she looks in any picture, I wouldn't be physically attracted to her. But if I knew she was loose with sex, as it certainly seems she is and it was around 1:00 a.m. and everyone else had left the party, I would consider her for a one night stand. Alcohol can do wonders to one's vision of the opposite sex. Although, it could also prove to be dangerous if I woke up early to quietly escape from her and found her laying on my arm. In that case, I would have to chew my arm off to escape.

  9. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Hot damn, great letter, great smack down. Loved it. And as the poster above's way beyond her reading level. Too bad, so sad. Bristol, you are an idiot.

  10. It's especially hard to see/hear young people (like Bristol) so full of judgement and sneering hate for people she doesn't understand. A Commencement address that is so smart, wise, funny and kind that I'd love every young person to read and take to heart:

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Sort of O/T, but I really want to - "Thank You, Sam" for sharing this beautiful, commencement address!! What a great/dynamic message this must have been for everyone there at the graduation ceremony -- as well as all who read this.

      As you say, it is "hard to see/hear some young pepople (like Bristol) who are so full of judgment and sneering hate. . . " -- as they will probably never hear nor even feel any of the encouragement/love from someone so 'smart, wise, funny, and kind.' Hopefully, this does get around for others to 'read and take heart' -- I enjoyed the read, and felt like I was right there listening in person. :o)
      Thanks again. ♥

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      She was taught this behavior by her mother! Poor kid!! She'll never learn, that is quite obvious! Cannot imagine having the examples of Sarah and Todd as parents. They truly are inept in providing the leadership needed in being parents!

  11. "Hate wrapped in the name of God is still hate." Excellent, Mr. Becker!! SO True! Big thanks for posting this, Jesse.

    And when you're raised in a "home" that constantly enforces the hate/victim meme, then you're doomed, unless you have an epiphany -- usually brought on by a raised consciousness. Not holding my breath on that one where these Wasilla dolts are concerned.

    And leave Sasha and Malia alone! They are loving (also beautiful and intelligent) young women whose names you have proven you're not fit to utter -- not props like you and your "mother" constantly use -- ALA Britney and Paris who were known for collecting "accessory" dogs.

    And, if you ever learn to read, you may want to check out what REAL mothers (and children) are like by reading "My Two Moms," by a truly wonderful, well-adjusted young man named Zach Wahls. Sadly, you drew the (uber) short straw where Moms are concerned. Not every famous person is hated. Just ask Tom Hanks. There's a REASON the Palins are thought of as horrid people. And if you ever figure that one out, you just may have a chance to live a hate-free life. Otherwise, you're just like your "uncle Ted."

  12. Keep giving Bristol and her mother rope…

  13. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Bristol (actually, an approved ghost writer of similar lack of character) is just another ignorant Palin-type personality chumming for dollars. Hate, bigotry, and ignorance is the bait being used. Mommy Dearest is behind it. The sad thing is she will get bites. The bigoted, ignorant, biters cloister over a c4p but there are plenty of them elsewhere. The Palins and their surrogates have tapped into the basest of the base. They are their kind of people.

  14. Mr.John Becker,I bow to you in awe of your honesty and grace when responding to the hate filled words of an ignorant hypocrite.Whether Bristol,Nancy or Sarah wrote those words on Brissys blog is irrelevent to me.Bristol lets that vile crap be published bearing her name,so scorn should be directed her way.The only difference I will make with Mr.Becker is that MANY in my generation(which is the same one as Sarah Palin) also support Equal Rights in ALL forms for G/L/B/T,including marriage.It's how my 84 year old (ahead of her time) mother raised her kids,how I raised my sons,and how I know they will raise their future children.Three generations of change is the start to a better,more equal World for all-and that's a World I will believe in.

  15. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Bristol is, and always will be, her mother's daughter.

    Of course, that is a mighty poor excuse for her behaving like a bigoted, hypocritical bully that, when challenged on her repulsive behavior, is adept at flip-flopping herself from her daft, opinionated mean-girl act to playing the role of a sweet, innocent, persecuted Christian victim.

    Bristol should be held responsible for her own words and behavior now that she is, presumably, an adult, regardless if her words are being written by her mother or ghostwriter, Nancy French, both of whom are clueless themselves.

    Kudos to Mr Becker for a thoughtful, fact-filled response to Bristol Palin's recent delusional, self-promoting forays into the media. If she has any self-awareness at all, she'll apologize and then shut up for a while. Although, I pray that I'll be pleasantly surprised, I won't be holding my breath here, waiting for any of the Palin/Heaths to finally realize just how ridiculous and immature they make themselves appear to be. Just sayin'.

  16. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Bristol has been attempting to get media attention by having Nancy French write her blog (with Sarah's lame take on reality) all to get the public interested in Bristol's new reality show. (Or should I say Sarah's new show.)

    Watch this preview of the show and leave a comment for Lifetime - let them know how you really feel about the show!

    Whoever thought this show had a chance of being anywhere near interesting lacks brain cells - sorry Sarah this latest idea of yours is a real failure!

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Just watched a clip and left a comment. Wonder how long it takes for the bots to show up?


    2. ManxMamma1:26 PM

      Hope more than I will comment. Thanks for the link!

    3. Anonymous2:19 PM

      "Whoever thought this show had a chance of being anywhere near interesting lacks brain cells - sorry Sarah this latest idea of yours is a real failure!"

      Gee, Anon 12:31 PM, you are so right! I took a look at the sneak preview, and it sure looks like someone got confused about what is reality. I almost got a nosebleed watching it!

    4. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Thanks for the link - YUCK!

      Even Bristol's voice is whiny! Old left-over film footage. Love it when Sarah says a mom has to be 'selfless" when it comes to her child. WTF? The most selfish mother ever! God I wish these grifters would be taken down and out of public view.

    5. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Sarah's show. Bristol is flat.

    6. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Nothing of interest. I won't be watching. It's neither entertaining nor educational. Is she planning on being in reality show the rest of her life? What little interest there is will eventually evaporate.

    7. betsy s5:38 PM

      Oooh, this is BAAAD!!! Whose idea was this? Just a couple of whiny,
      screechy-voiced, bad-mouthing teenagers.....

  17. Anonymous12:31 PM

    CINO Bristol (Christian In Name Only) sure does give Christians a bad name and image.

    I don't know of any Christians who gave their baby away, use their next baby as a prop to make money or to get a reality show, advertise she is not having sex again or dating until she is gets married and then announced her trial husband will be moving in with her when her remodeled house is finished.

    Now CINO Bristol is crying about being bullied when her families mere existence has been about bullying others.

    Breaking and entering, school bus tampering, drugs, homophobic rants, trying to break up her baby's daddy's new relationship, pimping, putting cross hairs on the heads of people they don't not see eye to eye with, spreading hate and violence against the POTUS and FLOTUS, spewing hate rhetoric against people who do not agree with their grifting culture lifestyle.

    Palin Christian Family Values?

    NO THANK YOU!!!!!

  18. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Bristol needed to hear that. It's a shame that she can't see that her words on her facebook have consequences, and while she can say anything she wants, she's a hypocrite to cry 'persecution, persecution' because of her so-called haters; yet she hates on those she disagrees with. Before she and Nancy French respond with, "we are defending our traditional christian values", they need to be aware that it isn't a "right" to judge others. If they don't agree, then they need to stop whining about those who disagree with them.
    As a claimed child of God, she would not disparage others for wanting to receive the same human rights and considerations that she enjoys.

    The Palins gripe about the democrats, the President, the non-traditional minorities, refusing to consider these are loving feeling human beings and gay youth are desperate they commit suicide. Bristol doesn't like being condemned and misunderstood, but she dishes condemnation and criticism at others.

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      She needed to hear it, unfortunately she wll not be anle to comprehend the words. She'll see glbt and along with god and say they all hate all religios people.

  19. Irishgirl12:33 PM

    The Palins are so passé.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      They have become cold-filtered beer.

    2. Anonymous4:14 AM


      Good thing I was still waiting for my coffee to cool.

  20. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Not even True Religion jeans help Bristol´s figure. Bristol is probably the only woman on the planet who should not wear TRs. They make her belly pop out more, make her hips wider, and make her butt look big. No other woman on the planet can make a pair of quality denim look like a diaper full of poop.

  21. Anonymous12:36 PM


    Boo Fucking Hoo Biotch.

  22. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Love the letter, but why is anyone giving this nitwit the attention she so obviously craves?

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Because Bristol is a poster child of the ¨acceptable¨ bigotry hiding behind the skirt of religion.

      It is a bigotry no longer acceptable.

      Bristol is nothing. Mister Becker´s message was meant for the stragglers who support her views.

  23. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Levi left Bristol

    Ben left Bristol

    Masey brothers left Bristol

    Gino left Bristol

    Hey Sarah, maybe Bristol should consider a Gay lifestyle since she has problems with the opposite sex?

    Just sayin'

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Now you've done it. Bristol is now considering switching teams which may give a little life to her reality show which has lost its main cast member Gino. Since Gino has left there is no star or story line left on Life's A Tripp, its back to the same old boring characters.

      Unless Bristol gets Levi back?

    2. Anonymous12:55 PM

      No self-respecting male is going to let a female call the shots. Would YOU want Sarah as a mother-in-law? Those kids are already warped beyond belief and won't find true happiness until she's dead....and a lot of therapy.

    3. Anonymous12:59 PM

      One day, Tripp too will leave Bristol and he will discover what a warm and loving family his father has, and that they welcome him with open arms to also be a part of their family. He will realize what his mother STOLE from him, and why, and he will be pissed.

    4. Anonymous1:10 PM

      If switching teams will get Bristol a reality show, she's up for it. A trial husband or a trial wife, who cares as long as Bristol gets that show she has been aching to get.

      Todd said: "What about me? I'll switch sides too! A Gay Pimp Snow Machine Man who loves to ride vibrating toys story line? Count me in."

    5. Anonymous1:21 PM

      How much do you want to bet Sarah has dabbled in that lifestyle, she's tried everything else.

      Just ask Glen Rice, Brad Hanson, Curt Menard....

      I wouldn't be surprised if Sarah had a rendezvous or two in her sister's college dorm room with some out of state female basketball player during Sarah's sports casting days.

      "How would you like to come to my sister's dorm room for a tv interview. If my producers like your casting tape it could open bigger doors for you. Maybe if I'm elected governor of Alaska I will put you in charge of Agriculture or you can run one of my PACs?"

    6. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Bristol: "Sex is sex, I'm game!"

    7. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Give Bristol a couple of wine coolers in a canvas tent and she would do Kathy Griffin, her mother's arch enemy.

    8. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Gives me a break.

      Womens are too smart to fall for Bristol.

    9. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Hey Sarah, maybe Bristol should consider a Gay lifestyle since she has problems with the opposite sex?

      Question would be is there a woman who would want an uneducated no talent GED dysfunctional grifting girl for a partner?

      Maybe for a one night stand. Based on Bristol's past relationships, that's the only thing she is good for.

    10. Anonymous3:05 PM

      We don't want her and besides she would mess that one up also. Just look at her Mother , what a mess that one is .

    11. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Levi left Bristol

      Ben left Bristol

      Masey brothers left Bristol

      Gino left Bristol

      At first everybody thought it was Levi's fault and it was Levi who destroyed Levi's and Bristol's relationship and their chance at being a family.

      It now looks like everybody owes Levi an apology.

      It appears Bristol can't get along with anybody.

      Bristol is Sarah Palin's daughter.

      My apologies Levi. I see what is going on and I'm woman enough to apologize for my bad judgement.

    12. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Anonymous12:55 PM
      No self-respecting male is going to let a female call the shots. Would YOU want Sarah as a mother-in-law? Those kids are already warped beyond belief and won't find true happiness until she's dead....and a lot of therapy.

      Well, you're just a little "old school male" now aren't you? Bless your heart with your sentiments regarding no male worth his salt letting females call the shots....we have a name for those types of "self-respecting males" in my family; we generally refer to them as "genitally challenged". Sorry that you are so insecure in your manhood. Modern medicine can help you out with that ya know.

    13. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Yes, Anon@ 12:55, because it's so true that every time you let a woman make a decision, you lose a centimeter of penis length. Do this enough times, you eventually transform into a female yourself! And we all know how terrible that is! There IS a bright side, though, if you became a female, you might actually have a chance at getting laid sometime. As it is now, you're too much of a jerk.

    14. Anonymous11:45 PM

      From the trailer, you know it is all about Sarah. And her fake family values.

  24. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I have little doubt your right about Bristol seeing this letter on her own, but I do think someone will point it out to her. I also believe she will have difficulty understanding what was written by this gentleman since I seriously doubt she is knowledgeable or even aware of what the gay myth is. Someone may have told her once that gays are curable, but beyond that she is completely ignorant and couldn't argue one way or the other. Besides that, Bristol is like her mother and neither think on a logical basis, but think on a more emotional basis where they use God as their answer to anything they don't understand, which is a lot since they both probably have a very little knowledge of science. I don't care what Sarah says about her father being a science teacher and claims he taught her about science, she was either a slow study, or he based everything on being a creation of God without evolution being a factor. Why else would she believe the earth is only 6,000 years old?

    I believe Bristol's reaction to this letter will be to simply scuff at it since it was written by a gay, and it counters what she has been taught growing up in a narrow thinking family that doesn't seem to put much creditability into education. In fact, I would love to see Sarah's degree, if she actually has one. I don't know if Bristol even graduated from high school, but I would be willing to bet she has completed all of her formal education and has no desire to go further.

  25. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Sarah Palin has little to offer the public as a politician or as a mother.Neither does Bristol. Sarah is a person of limited intelligence who has not bothered to learn or study anything. She mouths soundbites and slogans, the more outrageous the better. Sarah Palin lives to be noticed, and she discovered some time ago that if she wore her best push up bra to the city council meeting in Wasilla, she would get her way. (Her words, not mine).

    Since then, Sarah learned that it is easier to hike up her skirt and wear even higher heels, rather than raise her IQ. It's easier and gets more notice. Sarah has never been about qualifications. She is paid to mouth off because it attracts attention. And, there always are a few loose nuts out there who think that she is hot stuff.

    Sarah has now launched Bristol into the same world. First, Bristol was paid hundreds of dollars to deliver, in a flat, monotone voice, messages of sexual abstinence, do as I say, not as I did. This is Bristol's latest gambit, her blog and Facebook. Bristol is incapable of expressive herself beyond saying things like, "You're a fag," and "F U." We've seen Bristol's Facebook and we've heard her talk. Nancy French can ghost write until her pen runs out of ink, and we know that Bristol cannot wrote anything beyond, "My mom thinks I'm pregnant, and she took my phone away. That sucks."

    There are several reasons for Bristol's blog: putting out Sarah's latest scree, getting attention, and please, oh, please, maybe this time that lame show will actually pass a test audience and make it to TV. (I also wonder what Bristol did to deserve so much high profile treatment. Maybe she was forced to give something to Sarah that she really didn't want to and this is payback, big time.

    This is the most important part about make outrageous statements and "giving the middle finger to America" verbally. It invites insults and abuse, and the Palins thrive on perceived threats of rape, peeking in Piper's bedroom, and death. Instead of reporting real attacks to law enforcement, Sarah informs the media. If she went to the police with a credible death threat, the first thing they would tell her is to keep it quiet so they could investigate without the person doing the threatening being tipped off. Sarah and Bristol invite the rude comments by being rude and insulting themselves. Then they get to play the victim. It's a very sick game.

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      I am giving the Big Middle Finger to Bristol. Fuck you, Bristol, and your mother too.

    2. Anonymous11:46 PM

      Double the Middle Finger.

  26. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I think someone needs to be reminded that string cheese dipped in ranch is not what they mean by a healthy in between meals snack.

  27. Anonymous1:20 PM

    A very moving, and TRUE letter. But of course Bristol Palin will not comprehend it or even care. Sadly, anything she hears or reads that isn't about how wonderful, beautiful, strong, happy, influential and "better-than-you" the Palins are just gets dismissed as hate or jealousy...or used as another excuse to whine about how persecuted they are. I'm sure Sarah will have their pet ghostwriter roll out some ridiculous response, though, and get Bristol savaged again in the press. Can't wait.

  28. Anonymous1:24 PM

    How many gay couples have aborted a fetus, Bristol? You should embrace gay people, not hate them!!!

  29. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Now that is a strong argument. And true. The majority of people forty and younger support same sex marriage. The greatest opposition to same sex marriage comes from people sixty-five and older.

    The time is ripe for American citizens like Mister Becker to openly defy ignorance.

    All ignorance.

  30. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I thought that Mr. Becker's letter was insightful and thoughtful. I'm not sure that Bristol will understand it though and that is really sad.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      And neither will Sarah or the rest of the family.

  31. Anonymous1:53 PM

    She lost interest after reading the first paragraph

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Correction: She lost interest after having Nancy French read the first paragraph for her. Let's just say Bristol is an "audio book" type girl, and even those have to be slowed down for her.

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Bristol can't read.

  32. The NAACP just came out (!) for marriage equality. The vote of their head committee was a little lopsided:

    Pro: 62

    Anti: 2 (That's right, TWO)

  33. Anonymous2:22 PM

    This is really funny

  34. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Thanks for posting that Gryphen. That was Awesome !!

  35. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Since Gino left Bristol and Bristol does not have a hook for her reality show anymore, she could always hook up with a woman and rename her reality show "Two Woman And A Baby".

    That would give Bristol something to sell the networks.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      No, she can team up with Willow and call the show Two Dropouts and a Little Bastard.

    2. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Well if Bristol teams up with Todd, she can still name it "Two Woman And A Baby" or if she goes solo, Bristol can name her show "Tranny and the Bastard".

      Hey it's a hook and Bristol is needy right now for that reality show. Implants, lipo, botox and cosmetic surgeries aint cheap.... ask Sarah.

    3. Anonymous11:48 PM

      It is already "Two Women and a Baby" - just in case you didn't see Willow front and center. No "significant other." Just Willow and Bristol against the world. It's ok though, they are sisters. No incest here.

  36. Anonymous3:38 PM

    That photo was taken in L.A. where the temperature is ranges between 70-84 degrees. Why would she wear black(which absorbs heat) and a scarf? Is it because mom taught her how to dress "look up here not down there"? From this angle, that's quite a bulbous chin. I saw a screenshot of her while mounted on a mechanical bull. Her jawline is so unnatural. The long ski slope of a nose with that implant made her chin jut out. She almost looks like Bobe Hope from the side profile and sometimes like the puppet Madame. It's almost like someone took some clay and stuck it on there. Reminds me of Gumby and Pokey.

  37. Anonymous3:44 PM

    why does she look like a 40 year old out of shape woman?
    I thought she paid lots of money to look good

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Obviously there is not enough money in dancing to fix Bristol.

      Time for Plan B, Bristol is desperate for a reality show, she'll do anything for ratings even if it means getting back with Levi or becoming bi-sexual if it would get her an audience.

      You read it here on IM first.

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Seriously,those jeans are begging Obama for political asylum.

    3. Anonymous5:21 AM

      Oh come on! She looks fine, very pretty even. It's her insides that are ugly.

    4. Anonymous6:01 AM

      She's 20 and she just finished what everyone else claims if an incredibly rigorous dance training program. It doesn't compute.

    5. Anonymous11:50 PM

      Bristol: the Forty Year Old Virgin. How long will she try to drag this thang out?

  38. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Sneak preview and they are taking comments...

    1. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Don't click! The more attention it gets, even negative attention, the more Lifetime will want to keep the show. There's no such thing as bad publicity... even your negative emails are adding fuel to Bristol's fire. IGNORE HER. There's only one thing that can truly piss off people like the Palins-- when you turn your back on them.

  39. Anonymous4:38 PM

    That was a beautiful and well thought out letter. Thanks for sharing, Gryphen. Too bad, as you noted, that she is not likely to see it, let alone take it to heart.

  40. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Correct link..

    1. Anonymous5:18 AM

      Anon 440 said it best:

      Don't click! The more attention it gets, even negative attention, the more Lifetime will want to keep the show There's no such thing as bad publicity... even your negative emails are adding fuel to Bristol's fire. IGNORE HER There's only one thing that can truly piss off people like the Palins-- when you turn your back on them.A

  41. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Bristol doesn't care if she has Gino on Tripp's show or another woman.... sex is sex to her as long as Bristol gets her jollies.

    Just like Sarah, they will get theirs and if you don't get yours.... Oh Well!

    Right Gino?

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Gino: Right, you IM bloggers are very observant. I should of checked with you guys before I went down that dead end road to No Where Wasilla.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Right Gino?
      Right Ben?
      Right Levi?
      Right Masey Brothers?

  42. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I hope that is not how the show turned out. The preview is sad. Poor B and Willow, they look so wannabe Kim and sister.

    1. Anonymous12:32 AM

      It is sad and pathetic too. Mama Grizzley sure wants her daughters to keep her in the limelight. When Bristol is no longer hot and gets ratings (as if), she will turn to Willow, who is being groomed to take over the role, and then there is Piper. The Kardashians? Yeah, in their dreams.

  43. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Bristol, you got "served," and quite deservedly so.

  44. Anonymous6:30 PM

    If Bristol thinks that 2 parent, opposite sex families are the best to raise children, why did she keep Tripp? Obvoiusly, by her own standards, she is not able to handle her child, why did she not put him up for adoption?

    1. Anonymous12:33 AM

      She kept Tripp because he was her meal ticket.

  45. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Both Bristol and Sarah need to be slapped silly across the face and then tarred and feathered out of Alaska! They are a total disgrace to Alaskan and American citizens! To hell with them! They have a place down there awaiting them - that is for sure!

  46. Anonymous10:02 PM

    There has been some discussion about whether people should click on the promotional clip and watch a few seconds of what promises to be a trival TV not real show. I decided to watch it and give Lifetime a piece of my mind. (You can post comments below). There is a point where Bristol and Willow are enjoying a drink and spot a guy with a camera taking their photo. Bristol sticks her tongue out, "There's a papparazzi," and Tripp copies his mother, doing the same thing. Bristol is teaching Tripp to be a brat, just like his mother. (He also runs away, and Bristol has to grab his arm. By her own admission, Tripp acts up all the time. It's no wonder. And, one doe have to wonder why Levi hasn't stepped in to prevent Tripp from being treated so badly).

    There is no other way to put it than to say that the clip is a piece of crap. There are real women out there who are single mothers who have to work at a full time job, while taking care of a child (or children) is also a full time job. Many also go to school to broaden their outlook in life and become qualified for a better job. I don't think that college is in Bristol's future. And, even though we won't see anyone else, we know that Bristol has household help. We've seen photos of Bristol shopping in Arizona with a baby sitter accompanying her. No, Bristol is a terrible example of a child raising a child while excluding the father of the child from the boy's life. When Bristol sticks out her tongue at the camera, the Lifetime cameras are rolling ,too. That's the girl who got into a bar brawl. That's the girl who wrote homophobic slurs on Facebook. Nancy French is just the ghost writer. Bristol is the girl sticking out her tongue, and teaching her son to do the same thing. That doesn't belong on TV.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      I would NEVER teach my children to stick out their tongues! That's something you want to prevent your kids from doing! Another palin mom fail, like always!

    2. Anonymous12:36 AM

      I say "bring it on!" Bristol is her own worst enemy, besides her mother. The more she reveals, the more grist for the mill.

  47. Anita Winecooler11:14 PM

    Brilliant and well thought out, the problem is, Bristol isn't capable of empathy nor constructive criticism. Heck, she couldn't find her way out of a tent, you expect her to READ? Her palm's not big enough and she's got that chin in the way.

  48. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Inspiring letter. Hope some of it sinks in.

    I saw a preview of Bristol's new show during a Dance Moms Miami commercial break. It featured Sarah so much I thought it was Sarah Palin's Alaska all over again. I didn't watch that show, nor will I watch "Bristol's" show. I know reality shows stretch the truth a bit, and I enjoy a select few, but these Palin shows are one nonstop lie, an attempt to rewrite reality. I won't support it.

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      The letter is great for those with ears and hearts.

      DO NOT shut your eyes and while that show is on. Sarah's loud whiny voice seems more terse and loud. Bristol reminds you of Todd. His voice is weak. Hope no babies will be sleeping in the houses when that show is aired. That could alter them for life.

  49. Anonymous11:49 AM

    My my, I think our dearest troll Kristy Patullo is nearing a nervous meltdown what with all those negative Palin comments to refudiate all over the net, poor thing if only all those millions of supporters c4p claims would just help lighten the load a bit!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.