Saturday, May 19, 2012

My new favorite Sarah Palin picture! Update!

Okay this picture really cannot be improved on in my opinion.

And how many of you have wished that she actually had one of these surgically implanted that you could just reach up and zip closed every time she started speaking?

I know her family certainly has.

Update: I am somewhat fascinated with the response to this image that it is misogynistic.

Since this is a person who most of us would agree has caused a great deal of harm to our country through her verbal attacks on the President and the framing of complicated issues with emotional language (ie "death panels"), what is it about a visual representation of wanting her to keep her mouth closed that is considered inappropriate, or even a sexist attack?

And would that same sensitivity have been expressed if this had been a picture of Sean Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh, or Bill O'Reilly?

I'm just curious.

Update 2: Still sexist?


  1. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Perfect sound of silence. That screech is enough to kill insects.

  2. Duct (duck) tape would be a workable solution, too. But what a bitch to rip off every time she wants to speak!

    1. Anonymous5:50 AM

      Yes, I definitely vote for duct tape every time she quacks.

    2. Anonymous6:20 AM

      Duct tape would be more the Alaska style!

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      @ 6:20 - that's a feature,not a bug!

    4. Anonymous10:35 AM

      9:08 ???

  3. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Glen Rice says he found something to stick in her mouth to shut her up.

  4. Anonymous5:05 AM

    I'm a loyal IMer, and cannot stand anything Palin stands for --

    BUT this is a nasty, misogynistic image, and I hope you take it down quickly.

    We all want to see her disappear, but this is a violent image.

    1. WakeUpAmerica5:52 AM

      Yeah? Not so much. It's perfect. There's nothing misogynistic about it. Breitbart, Limpballs,Beck, and Hannity could all benefit from one.

    2. Just my opinion, but I disagree that this is a misogynistic or anti-woman image. The same image would be appropriate on Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or any number of other blowhards and gasbags out there.

      I don't wish she would shut up because she is a woman. I wish she would shut up because she is a hateful, vicious, ignorant, destructive moron. I also don't see it as violent, but a verbal portrayal of "zip it", as in shut up. Which I wish she would do.

    3. Anonymous5:53 AM

      Violent? In was respect...charlie?
      Its the perfect pic.
      Palin with her lips SEALED!
      You are Krusty troll. Why are you here? You shit up the comments with your bs.

      This is the PERFECT pic. Baldy Zip your fuckin' lips 4 Evah!

    4. Anonymous6:08 AM

      I do not think it is a "violent" image. I sure would like to see her with a permanently zipped zipper across her mouth. But, in reality, we know that it's a photoshop so I don't think you should be so distressed. I don't see the misogyny in this photo.

    5. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Do you feel the "gun sight" over Gabby was not a violent image?

    6. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Violent???? Violent is crosshairs over Gabby Giffords and inciting people to use their "Second Amendment rights" on people who disagree with them. She is a despicable, vile woman.

    7. Anonymous7:54 AM

      It looks pornographic.
      IM should be above this kind of thing.
      You can say she should zip her lip, but a graphic depiction is offensive.

      From the original poster. Trust me, I'm not Krusty -- just the opposite. But why give the opposition more to whine about?

    8. Anonymous8:29 AM

      It is not misogynistic and only subjectively pornographic. I don't really like the image, but let's not give it more power than it has.

    9. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Whoah 7:54,

      Zed's dead.

      Keep your s & m imagination to yourself.

      Go piss up the flagpole of the Rethuglican who has a picture of DEM. CONGRESSWOMAN DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ

      in a fucking dog collar, calling her POs "attack dog".

      So, shut the fuck up, Krusty.

    10. PalinsHoax8:41 AM

      No, violent would be duct tape over $carah's gigantic-enormous mutated lips, with a surveyor's mark over them.

      You know, the kind of surevyor's mark that Palin used over Congresswoman Gabbe Giffords name and over many other Democratic officials' names.

    11. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Oh GET OVER IT. There is nothing misogynistic about this image, nor is there anything violent about it. Stop projecting YOUR issues on Gryphen.

      She needs to zip it, period. Are you so ignorant that you cannot see a visual metaphor for what it is. Stop trying to stir up trouble.

      You are NOT a loyal IMer, that is very clear. You can go FUCK YOURSELF royally and completely.

      Sarah Paylin needs to have her voice box removed permanently, surgically and the world would be a far better place.

    12. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Such gentlemen...violent imagery in your postings, and vulgar references to someone who said something you don't like.

      I guess it's your substitution for a Saturday play date until the bars open.

      The only way to fight the Palins is NOT to sink to their nasty level. Unfortunately, many of the answers to my comment could come right out of their mouths. You're just giving them ammunition.

    13. Anonymous9:47 AM

      The bars are already open. They generally open at 8 or 9am....

    14. Anonymous10:19 AM

      I don't find this photo of Palin 'violent' at all!!! I can picture things being done to her that ARE violent and this doesn't come close!

    15. Anonymous11:06 AM

      I didn't have that reaction at all. I thought the zipper was totally appropriate given her constant ignorant and harmful rhetoric. I see nothing misogynistic or brutal about it. Yes, it is completely demeaning and she happens to be a she, so it likely will strike a nerve with some that think we should not treat women this way. It does bother me that many think we should not respond strongly to her hate mongering because she is a woman. I liked the image and I really like to discussion around it.

      Though, I have to add that I am offended by the hateful crap meant to attack other commenter such as that slung by 9:10. You, my dear, are on the same wavelength as the Palins. In fact, you stink up this blog so much that I consider you, and those that respond in the like, as just another breed of troll. I can easily see you as one of the Palins or her supporters commenting as you do just to discredit the dialog here. Tell me why the world would be any better to replace her hate with yours. The Palins and the extreme right work to discredit any opinion that is not their own. You are doing the same, and achieving a great imitation of a flying monkey in the process. If fact, I think you need a zipper, or (to silence your ugly input here) perhaps a pair of cement mittens. Before you respond with some oh so creative suggestion concerning what I should do to myself... back at ya jerk.

    16. Anonymous12:40 PM

      5:05 shall I get out your fainting couch young lady? Violent? Hahaha get over yourself. Loyal im'er? Yeah right troll.

    17. Anonymous1:55 PM

      This woman has been trying for YEARS to get our President hurt by some crazy person, so cry me a fucking river.

    18. Anita Winecooler8:32 PM

      Zippers are violent? I guess one would think that if an appendage got caught in one, now if her bloody tongue was shown, your comment would make sense.

      Lovely thread, btw. Some are real gems to read, one's like watching a dog chase it's own tail.

  5. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Silence and sanity! I hear they have lowered the noise pollution alert on the west coast significantly. Can't say much about the surf alert though. I hear there is still allot of foaming at the mouth coming out of the northwest corner.

  6. How is this misogynistic?

    There is nothing generally anti-woman in the picture or Gryphen's description, nothing that shows that she should have a zipper on her mouth because she is a woman. The zipper metaphor is not inherently anti-woman. It does not have a misogynistic history (as some metaphors do, like some images in the fashion industry of women in trash cans or depicted as only torsos).

    The same image could be put on Rick Santorum or Rush Limbaugh or any other public figure we'd like to shut up when they spout out idiocy.

    You could argue it's a violent image, but because it's on a woman doesn't mean it can be included in the category of "violence against women."

    This is what drove me crazy in the 2008 election, that criticizing Palin was on its face, misogynistic. She is a woman, true, but criticism of her policies, experience, intelligence, etc. was not because she was a woman. It was because she was unqualified and dangerous.

    That's not saying some criticism of her was anti-woman in general, but the majority was not and any blanket statement was ridiculous and meant to cut all any criticism of her (which was her party's plan).

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      It was all BULLSHIT because they have been saying much, much, much uglier things about Hillary Clinton for YEARs.

      The same EXACT PEOPLE who tried to say sp was being unfairly attacked.

      She never would have been IN THAT POSITION IF SHE WERE A MAN because of her gross stupidity.

    2. Yes, Anonymous.

      Palin was picked because she was a woman to titillate the old men and deflect criticism of her ineptitude

    3. Anonymous10:17 AM

      I agree that this could be shown 'equally' on asshole Limbaugh! Fits Palin perfectly too!!! The worst two citizens of the USA!

  7. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Awful image. Not funny or amusing. Reminds me of something Breitbart would have posted.

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM


    2. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Totally DISAGREE.


    3. Anonymous9:18 AM

      LOVE THE IMAGE. It illustrates EXACTLY what the majority of people would like to be able to do, zip up that nasty mouth of hers. It's hysterically funny, and PERFECT, so thank you Gryphen for finding it, and posting it, I have sent it out to all my FB, Twitter and emails peeps and they're howling with laughter.

      You're entitled to your opinion, even though it is a bit stuck up your butt.

    4. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Most appropriate person in the USA to be shown in a photo like this! It's perfect!!!

    5. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Image is hilarious. Trolls are wee-wee'd up with faux outrage. Is this a new tactic?

  8. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Nancy French - oops - Bristol, needs a zipper on her mouth also, too. DWTS is having an All Stars reunion show, and are thinking of inviting Bristol back! I bet Mark is sweating bullets, praying he will not be recruited to shove her around the floor again. The other contestants had to sign confidentiality agreements last time she was on, so her pregnancy "secret" was kept. When will this trashy family go home and shut the HELL up?

    1. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Of all the wonderful contestants he has partnered they want to bring back the unhappy hoofer?

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Didn't she ruin Mark's back?

    3. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Bristol is a no-talent and everyone knows it. So does she.

    4. Anonymous10:13 AM

      I think that if Bristol were back on DWTS, with their new dance-off of the bottom two teams (I call it the Bristol fix), she would get the boot early on. It would be sort of a redemption season; Brandy, etc stays and Bristol goes, the way it should have been. The truth is, Bristol could have done well if she'd tried. She does have rhythm and she could learn a dance- though Mark gave her overly simple routines. Her whole problem was her shitty attitude and poor work ethic. She barely put anything into it.. it was like there was something in her way. Huh, I wonder what that was? I just loved it when, during one of the interviews, she admitted not really trying after the whole season of touting her supposed strong work ethic. Yes, the hypocrisy runs deep with this family. So yeah, go ahead and give it another go Brissy- your mom's flying monkeys (the few remaining) will not be able to save you week after week this next time around. You know, its really sad that this young woman feels her options are so limited that she is seeking fortune through infamy.

    5. Anonymous10:14 AM

      I cannot believe they'd bring back 'zero' Bristol. There are so, so many other better candidates!

      If true, contact DWTS and encourage them to keep her off their stage!

    6. Anonymous10:19 AM

      DWTS must think that Dry Humping on the Floor like one of Todd Palin's Prostitutes will increase the viewing population. Briscow is a lazy, Diet Pill popping, Liposuction Plastic Surgery using, Boyfriend changing, Special Education needing, Non-Mothering, Uneducated WASILLABILLY who has learned nothing in her life.

    7. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Have not heard the term 'dry humping' in years!!! Made me laugh, because it was the word used when I was in high school and I'm a 'senior' now!

      Bristol wouldn't have a clue what it means, I'm sure.

      Agree with your thoughts about her 10:19 a.m. - she is just like her idiot mother - pretty much of a zero!

    8. Anonymous11:09 AM

      I haven't heard the term in a long time either, but boy did I used to do it in my day.

    9. Anita Winecooler9:03 PM

      Ahh the "dry humping" memories! Poor Mark must still have nightmares. Beefy even dragged him up to Alaskaaa to meet her enablers! Oh What Fun!

      And the ONLY way she'd go to the reunion would be to hawk her "Tripp" show.

      If she does show up, Kyle Massey's reaction would be interesting to see.

      "Here, Bristol, you left bottles, diapers, formula and this huge box of junk food in our trailer"

    10. Paul - Minnesota2:46 AM

      The only time I saw DWTS was once by accident. I was at my Moms and she wanted to watch the show. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about as I don't watch much television.

      Bristol was on as a gorilla. Dancing to some Monkees song.

      She was awful. I almost felt pity for her.

      Yet she (and Sarah) got what they wanted from DWTS: more infamy so they'd still be relevant and in the news.

      Due to their career of getting more attention via any means possible, I'll give my pity to people who actually deserve it.

  9. Anonymous8:45 AM

    The only way to improve upon any pictures of Palin is to destroy them (the pictures and/or Palin...I really don't care at this point).

  10. I'm an intelligent female,and find nothing offensive about the picture.Hell,I'd even be good with it if it was a sweaty sock stuck in her mouth.Guess I'm okay with it,because I wish she would just shut up and go the Hell away.She is like a boil on your ass that needs to be lanced before disappearing for ever.

  11. Full-on DUCT TAPE also works.... Either is Okee Dokee for me !!!

  12. Anonymous9:11 AM

    She also needs a hand muzzle so she can't do any of her typing...

    1. Paul - Minnesota2:21 AM

      She should also never be anywhere with loaded firearms nor have access to them.

      Or kitchen appliances. Her poor refrigerators. I hope karma helps them come back as something appreciated by other people.


  13. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I love it and I am an old woman!

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Second that. Old and wise enough to see Palin as a bully who enjoys bashing those who do not agree with her politics.

    2. Third that. I've lived long enough to recognize how dangerous and how destructive Palin is. This image is a terrific and succinct visual comment on the fact that Palin's speech contains nothing--absolutely nothing--of any redeeming social value. She has poisoned the public discourse in our country.

  14. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Absolutely loved the photo!!! Everything about Sarah Palin should be 'zippered shut'!

  15. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Haven't read the comment as yet, but love the photo! How about a sock put in her mouth and duct tape put over her lips? She's been nothing but evil to the USA since she rose to 'quitter' gov of Alaska!

    To hell with her!

  16. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I found this clip of Bristol's Lifetime show. I thought only Sarah had an ugly voice but I was wrong her oldest daughters both sound as annoying. I can't see how this show will ever make it on the air.

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      This show will be an epic failure. It looks like they actually used some of Sarah's reality show clips to try and make this show. I noticed that the Lifetime site above has an area to leave comments. Maybe we need to leave some comments to tell Lifetime just how ludicrous this show is. I think I'll find the links of the pictures of Bristol from her very pregnant 2/2011 E! interview. Maybe lifetime will be able to include her newest child in the show.

      Media Insider - If you're out there, do you have anything new to report on Bristol’s lame show?

    2. Anonymous1:35 PM

      ooohhhhhh kaayyyy....I see where they are going with this. Thanks for the trailer, Now I know I won't be missing anything.

    3. Anita Winecooler9:23 PM

      What a moron. Of course she exploits, again, the gay bar confrontation for her own gain and edification.

      A single mom drops by a gay bar (just to ride a bull, mind you), where they sell alcohol A drunk guy who happens to be gay yells the truth, and it bothers her so much, SHE gets in HIS face, and she's the victim?

      Epic Fail!

      "There's a lot of misconceptions out there"
      Snort! Chortle!

      So true, Brissy! So very true, care to name them, want to elaborate over wine coolers????

      "No significant other living here". Interesting wording "significant other".

      They have "papparazzi" on lake lucille?

      This is a chop job, destined to fail miserably.

  17. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Where is Palin she is no where to be seen on Fox these days?
    I guess her last appearance was for Boilling where she came to open the stupid envelope-a game show host gig!
    Due to Mitt VP pick headache is she asked to stay off Fox?

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      I've wondered the same. Sent Fox a couple of emails asking why the fool hasn't been on, since she does a wonderful job of embarrassing herself and the network. No response.

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      She is probably recovering from more surgeries.

  18. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I'm a female, and I'm all for the photoshopped zipper.

    The women is nasty, nasty, and hateful rhetoric spills out of that mouth like a sewerage

  19. Anonymous11:01 AM

    [url=]image host[/url]

    Here, are you guys frickin happy? An equal opportunity zipper!

  20. Anonymous11:45 AM

    That will keep her big stupid mouth shut until Trig shows her how to unzip it...

  21. Anonymous12:32 PM

    They need to stick a zipper in their crotches the way those fertile Palin rats keeps on breeding.

  22. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Is Sarah keeping her trap shut and laying low because she is praying that she will get the vp nod for Romney?

    It is very unusual for Sarah Palin not to attack President Obama in such a long time.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Romney would not stoop so low, or be as stupid as McCain, as to have Palin anywhere near his ticket. She's on the fringe now and no doubt will do something outrageously stupid to try to get the media to pay attention to her and her brood. Stay tuned.

    2. Sarah hates being ignored. She is, after all, a Diva in her own mind. She will return to spew the gobbledygook she has always spewed. There will be no rest for the weary.

  23. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I am quite sensitive to the appearance of someting being sexist. That is not how this photoshop struck me.
    But then I have been a close follower of Mudflats and more recently this blog so in the greater arena of the harm that Palin does with her mouth, and even after Grphen's prompting, I still don't see it as sexist.

  24. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Shoot, let me try this again:

  25. Anonymous2:56 PM

    12:42 Can you imagine Palin on the ticket w/Mitt? No friggin' way! First off, VP? She wants to be #1! Secondly, he is Mormon and she is a horrid unpracticing, quote/unquote christian!

    Romney's group would never be able to control her! You think she countered McCain - can you imagine her w/Romney? Her personality would override his.

    Plus, they'd have to really, really, really vet her - unless the Repubs have been doing it all along since and before 2008!! She'd never make it on the ticket. Way too much baggage and dislike of her throughout the nation. Look at the press we see about her today - it's majority negative and constantly refers to her stupidity!

  26. Anonymous8:03 PM

    There is nothing misogynistic about that Photoshop. The holier-than-thou dopes are trolling here. It is the same group of retards(willfull, not congenital) that try to ban the word retard(Palin acolytes). They know what they are, but they will never accept it. Scripture and self-righteousness(with a huge helping of hypocrisy) is how they get though the day.

  27. Anita Winecooler8:43 PM

    I love the photo and don't find it offensive in any way. I could think of several other things to put there, but this is a family blog, so I'll keep it clean
    Turkey feet
    bloody wolf paw
    A whole salmon
    her fingers
    her foot
    Sean Hannity's foot
    Donald Trumps Toupee
    Michele Bachman's corndog....

  28. Paul - Minnesota2:19 AM

    I also like the zippered Rush.

    Also, ahem, where's Rush's children after he's on his fourth marriage to what I assume are biologically fit women and women who are biological women so they could have children.

    I keep hearing* how marriage is really only about procreation and should be only for people who are having children.

    Come on Rush, get with it. Four marriages should mean at least four kids by now (of your own, not adopted or might happen someday speculation kids).

    Though perhaps Rush has four children in the Dominican Republic and other places where he's done sex tourism.

    *from the people who say keep marriage as it is, one man + one woman, with over a 50% divorce rate and other problems, so gays and lesbians cannot have marriage equality.

    Hmm, Rush likes calling people sluts. He should look in the mirror and see a really big slut. Him.

    PS, Gryphen, the Sarah Palin zippered mouth is also wonderful. Nice to not her her whine in the news as much lately. Yeah, Sarah, most people ignore you, change the channel or just laugh at you. She should have starred in the film, Idiocracy. Along with some others in her family (Todd and Bristol).


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.