Monday, September 03, 2012

Chris Rock sums up the situation quite nicely. Update!

And if you are having difficulty remembering just WHAT this President has accomplished, I have a graphic for that as well.

Seriously does ANYBODY think a Republican could have pulled this off? Especially John McCain and that crazy lady from the dead lake?

P.S. If you remain unconvinced then visit here and see for yourself just how MUCH this President has accomplished in the face of a steady stream of Republican obstructionism and indefensible attacks on his character.


  1. Sorry, but the recession doesn't seem over to me.

    1. Anonymous5:17 AM

      The Bush recession. Yes, I agree. It's still bad.

      Also the obstructionist tea'ers have done all they can do to keep it the same or make it worse. Bring down the USA or destroy it. Yes, anything the tea can do to get rid of the black guy in the White House.

    2. I understand what you're saying; although I do have a job, once more, we are not getting a raise and so I am still falling behind.

      However, although I am no economist, my understanding is that the terms depression and recession have very specific, defined statistical parameters, and by those measures, the recession is in fact over. It doesn't mean everything is rosy (yet).

      Also, employment is and always has been, a lagging indicator, i.e., it is one of the last indicators to show improvement because so many things have to fall into place before businesses can begin hiring again. So in a very real sense, we the little people for whom recovery is exactly equivalent to food on the table are the last to see and feel the effects of recovery.

    3. Anonymous7:33 AM

      dragaonfly2x4:23 AM

      The economy has turned around. Thanks to Pres Obama.

  2. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Looks like that Chris Rock tweet is from a parody account. His official twitter feed is @chrisrock.

    1. Dammit! You're right.

      I finally got caught with one of these, when I have usually been so good at vetting them first.


    2. Doesn't really change the message.

      It's a great message.

      And Chris should be proud it was attributed to him. Sounds just like him.

  3. Gryphen, there's an article on ABC News today citing multiple studies comparing the actual brains of democrats and republicans. You should check it out- personally I found the results highly satisfying.

  4. Thanks for these two jpgs & the accomplishment site -- just what I needed to send to the cartoonist who posted this today:

    saying "one party utterly failed to keep it promises"..

    Utterly -- not quite -- but that's hard to put in a cartoon, I guess, but
    "...taking on an overall “Obama sucks” meme not only has the potential to put Willard Romney into power, it’s also a lie."

    A great link site -- -- made my day!

  5. Anonymous10:17 AM

    If the Dow Jones is now worth $13,000, can I buy it? Then maybe I could be one of the 1%. Who made that graphic? I'm a huge Obama supporter, but that graphic doesn't do much for the cause. Here's a pretty direct explanation...

  6. That's one of my big peeves with the president and his people, always quick to trumpet any 'good' news. Well egg-headed economists saying the recession is over is not good news. That news hasn't trickled down to my zip code.

  7. I'm a teacher.

    The recessions isn't over for me either.

    I had two years of furlough days and still have them. They're looking at ADDING 14 more furlough days for a total of 19 furlough days.

    Arne Duncan was a piss poor choice for education secretary and teachers across the country have no confidence in this amateur who is basically Michelle Rhee in a suit.

    I'll be voting for Obama.

    But personally it is an "Anyone but Rmoney" vote.

    I voted for Obama in 2008 and I've been disappointed. I understand what he's done for others but for me personally? As a teacher? My profession continues to suffer and not in spite of Obama but because of him.

  8. Anita Winecooler7:31 PM

    My family's been hit hard with the economy, I know people are suffering and we have a lot of challenges ahead of us. There's a list of things I wanted our President to address, he didn't get to some yet, but his values most closely match mine. I feel he has our best interest at heart and I feel he deserves my vote and support.

    Considering the alternative, who is closer to having our backs?

  9. Anonymous4:25 PM

    when are people going to realize that the republicans are engaged in a class war fueled by religious fascism. if they are allowed to continue, we will cease to be a free people and become serfs in a plutocracy. wait a minute, we may already be there....


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